Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm in the mood for trendy!

WetSeal_120x60_Dresses from $16.50_022108-033108

Here we are in the middle of Tim Gunn's top 10 essentials and I'm busting out with the fun stuff: One trendy item under $20! Yay!

Maybe it's the sunshine today or the fact that I feel really good today that I'm in such a trendy mood! When I'm lighthearted and feeling the urge to splurge WetSeal is a fun place to indulge. And such a sale! Dresses for $16.50?! Come on! This is sheer fun and it won't break the bank. Enjoy!


Crimzen Creative said...

Always better to spend less on the trendy items and wet seal does have some fun stuff!

. said...

Wow! That is a great price.